Stock (free) Images & Clip Art


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he following sites are places you can get artwork and images for free. Be sure to check the terms of use, Some of them require a credit line or other type of attribution.

Images Canada

Central search access to the thousands of images held on the websites for participating Canadian Cultural Institutions. Images of Canadian events, people, places and things that make up our collective heritage.

Free stock photo archive available with license that allows you to use and remix the work.

Elaborate clip art images licensed under Creative Commons.


Copyright-friendly photos and images for teachers and students.


High quality public domain & Creative Commons images available.

The Getty Trust Open Content Program

The Getty provides access to all digital images in their collection that are in the public domain.  Scroll down to “Access to Open Content Images” to find how to access the “open” images.

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